Can you identify the song? Deezer SongCatcher can


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Do you remember songs by the lyrics or by the beat? By the artist or by the album?

Test your music knowledge today, take this quiz and see if you can name the different tracks with just a small clip.

Not a music know-it-all? We have 53 million tracks available on Deezer, which is why we’re giving you a little help finding the songs you want to hear more of.

Deezer SongCatcher is our new track identification feature, available on Android only for now. All you have to do is open your search tab and let it listen to that song you just can’t name. Not only will it tell you the title, but you can also add it straight to your favorites and playlists.

If you find yourself asking “what’s that song?” try our new track identification feature, SongCatcher and add it to your collection with just a few taps. So good luck!

To use the SongCatcher feature, follow these steps:

1. Launch the Deezer app on your device. If you don’t have it yet, download the latest version. The app is available on the App Store and Google Play.

2. Go to Search.

3. Click the SongCatcher button.

4. SongCatcher will “listen” to the song and browse through its library to identify it.

5. When it finds a match, the app will display the song title and artist.

6. Save the song to your favorite tracks or other playlists for easy access later on.


So, out of the six short clips, how many did you get right? If you got them all, congrats! Your listening skills must be off the charts. But if you didn’t, don’t be frustrated—SongCatcher is here to save the day.

The Deezer app is every music enthusiast’s dream. Whether you heard a sick beat on the train or while at the gym, SongCatcher lets you identify a song playing near you. It doesn’t even have to be a whole verse or chorus, as Deezer’s audio recognition tool only needs a few seconds of the song to identify it. SongCatcher is available for all Deezer Freemium users and paying subscribers.

Gain Access to Millions of Tracks From Around the World

Deezer is the only free streaming companion you’ll ever need. It gives you access to over 73 million tracks, from current chart-toppers, retro hits, and even iconic TV theme songs. You can also listen to personalized playlists with titles curated just for you, as well as podcasts and, for premium members, exclusive content.

Download the app today or e-mail us at to learn more.