Tame Impala’s shiny Deezer Session



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It felt only natural for Deezer to film kaleidoscopic band Tame Impala in front of a cutting edge work of art. If you’ve never been to Paris, La Géode is a mirror-finished geodesic dome in the Parc de la Villette at the City of Science and Industry in the 19th arrondissement located near the Paris ring road. The dome stands out like a psychedelic and futuristic spaceship granting charm and economic potential to the too often neglected arrondissement. Due to its bohemian yet modern identity, the parc de la Villette is a coveted spot for music lovers and home to some of Paris’s most elegant indie festivals such as La Villette Sonique and the Pitchfork Festival.

For those of you who haven’t heard of Tame Impala yet, the Australian psychedelic rock band was founded by the uber talented Kevin Parker in 2007; their third and highly anticipated album, Currents was released in July this year and has received critical acclaim for its dazzling ethereal pop songs, contagious melodies and carefully constructed lyrics. Heavily inspired by psychedelic rock from the late 60’s and 70’s, Parker’s music is what he himself describes as “melancholic and dreamy”. Listening to Parker sing is like weirdly remembering your drunk dad swinging to the Bee Gees and your first French kiss with your university crush… at the same time. Tame Impala blends with delicacy the old school fuzziness of shoegazing with a symphonic and luminous dream pop that smells of sea salt and the last rays of the summer sun. Yes this session is a bottled ray of sunlight that we’ve just popped open for a quick fix of radiant happiness. There is no better way to survive the glumness of those cold winter nights. Enjoy!

Listen to their album ‘Currents’: https://www.deezer.com/album/10709540