We’ve been busy this year…



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From unveiling our new brand identity to releasing exciting new in-app features, there’s no doubt about the fact that we had a glow up. Discover just a few of the fun things we were up to this year at Deezer!

Shaking things up

Shaker let’s you create the perfect playlist for any group, whether they use Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music or another platform. With Shaker you can invite friends and generate a mix based on everyone’s top songs! No more fighting over the aux.

Music Quizzes for every occasion

We’ve got the perfect activity for your next hang out… With Deezer, you can turn your playlists into a music trivia game. Or, play some of our most popular quizzes, from Disney Hits to TikTok trending songs. Play solo or with friends 🥳

Your shower concerts just got an upgrade…

Unleash your inner rockstar with Deezer’s Lyrics feature! Belt out your favorite tunes without missing a beat. From your phone to your TV screen and every device in between, you’ll get the words right every time 🎤

Go with the Flow

By combining the best of AI and human creation, Deezer Flow creates a music mix personally tailored to you. Need romance? Motivation? Party vibes? Tell Flow how you feel, and it will match you to the right music for any mood!

Try out Shaker, Music Quizzes, Lyrics, Flow and more – all on Deezer! And get ready to Live the Music with us even more in 2024 😉

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